
Overall guidance on contributing to a PyAnsys library appears in the Contributing topic in the PyAnsys Developer’s Guide. Ensure that you are thoroughly familiar with this guide before attempting to contribute to PyAnsys Tools Variable Interop.

The following contribution information is specific to PyAnsys Tools Variable Interop.


The pyansys-tools-variableinterop package currently supports Python 3.9 through 3.12 on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

You can install the pyansys-tools-variableinterop package with this command:

pip install pyansys-tools-variableinterop

Alternatively, install the latest version from pyansys-tools-variableinterop GitHub with this command:

pip install git+

For a local development version, you can create a new virtual environment with this command:

python -m venv .venv

You can then activate the virtual environment with the command appropriate for your operating system:

source .venv/bin/activate
source .venv/bin/activate

Next, install the development version of the project with these commands:

git clone
cd pyansys-tools-variableinterop
pip install -e .


Install the required dependencies for the documentation with this command:

pip install .[doc]

For building documentation, you run the usual rules provided in the Sphinx Makefile for your operating system:

make -C doc/ html && your_browser_name doc/build/html/index.html
make -C doc/ html && your_browser_name doc/build/html/index.html
.\doc\make.bat html

Post issues#

Use the PyAnsys Tools Variable Interop Issues page to submit questions, report bugs, and request new features. When possible, use these issue templates:

  • Bug report template

  • Feature request template

  • Documentation issue template

  • Example request template

If your issue does not fit into one of these categories, create your own issue.

To reach the PyAnsys support team, email


You can install the dependencies required for testing with this command:

pip install .[tests]

You can then run the tests via pytest with this command:

pytest -v

Adhere to code style#

PyAnsys Tools Variable Interop follows the PEP8 standard as indicated in the PyAnsys Developer’s Guide and implements style checking using pre-commit.

To ensure your code meets minimum code styling standards, run these commands:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit run --all-files

You can also install this as a pre-commit hook by running this command:

pre-commit install

This way, it’s not possible for you to push code that fails the style checks:

$ git commit -am "added my cool feature"
check for merge conflicts................................................Passed
debug statements (python)................................................Passed
check yaml...............................................................Passed
trim trailing whitespace.................................................Passed
Add License Headers......................................................Passed
Validate GitHub Workflows................................................Passed