The ```` module ========================================= .. py:module:: Summary ------- .. py:currentmodule:: scalar_value_conversion .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Functions .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:attr:`~to_boolean_value` - Convert the given value to a ``BooleanValue`` type. * - :py:attr:`~to_integer_value` - Convert the given value to an ``IntegerValue`` type. * - :py:attr:`~to_real_value` - Convert the given value to a ``RealValue`` type. * - :py:attr:`~to_string_value` - Convert the given value to a ``StringValue`` type. Description ----------- Defines scalar value visitors. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Module detail ------------- .. py:function:: to_boolean_value(other: -> Convert the given value to a ``BooleanValue`` type. The conversion is performed according to the type interoperability specifications. Note that some conversions are lossy (resulting in a loss of precision), and some conversions are not possible (raises IncompatibleTypesException). :Parameters: **other** : :obj:`IVariableValue` Other value to convert to a ``BooleanValue`` type. :Returns: :obj:`BooleanValue` Value as a ``BooleanValue`` type. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: to_integer_value(other: -> Convert the given value to an ``IntegerValue`` type. The conversion is performed according to the type interoperability specifications. Note that some conversions are lossy (resulting in a loss of precision), and some conversions are not possible (raises IncompatibleTypesException). :Parameters: **other** : :obj:`IVariableValue` Other value to convert to an ``IntegerValue`` type. :Returns: :obj:`IntegerValue` Value as an ``IntegerValue`` type. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: to_real_value(other: -> Convert the given value to a ``RealValue`` type. The conversion is performed according to the type interoperability specifications. Note that some conversions are lossy (resulting in a loss of precision), and some conversions are not possible (raises ``IncompatibleTypesException``). :Parameters: **other** : :obj:`IVariableValue` Other value to convert to a ``RealValue`` type. :Returns: :obj:`RealValue` Value as a ``RealValue`` type. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: to_string_value(other: -> Convert the given value to a ``StringValue`` type. The conversion is performed according to the type interoperability specifications. Note that some conversions are lossy (resulting in a loss of precision), and some conversions are not possible (raises IncompatibleTypesException). :Parameters: **other** : :obj:`IVariableValue` Other value to convert to a ``StringValue`` type. :Returns: :obj:`StringValue` Value as a ``StringValue`` type. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!